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expre sincere gratitude to
对…表示衷心的感谢  detail>>
express sincere gratitude to
请…讲话  detail>>
 n.  感谢;谢意;礼物。 We can hardly express our gratitude to you for your timely help. 对于你们的...  detail>>
快运牌厢式货车 压,压出  detail>>
be sincere
真诚待人  detail>>
 adj.  (-cerer; -cerest) 1.真挚的;真诚的。 2.〔古语〕纯粹的,不混杂…的 (of)。  detail>>
a glow of gratitude
容光焕发  detail>>
a token of gratitude
藉表谢意  detail>>
abundance and gratitude
富足与感激  detail>>
debt of gratitude
人情债  detail>>
duties of gratitude
感恩义务  detail>>
express gratitude
向……表示感谢之意  detail>>
expressing gratitude
表达感激 感激  detail>>
eyes of gratitude
感激的眼光  detail>>
gratitude fee
酬谢费  detail>>
gratitude for a comrade
电影 同志感谢您  detail>>
gratitude to sb
感激  detail>>
out of gratitude
出于感激  detail>>